From vehicle injector production lines to marine applications, we tailor our services to meet the unique demands of almost any industrial sector. Please get in touch for an initial discussion.

vehicle and injector testing technician over blue background

Why Choose Hartridge for Custom Diesel Solutions?

A Legacy of Innovation 

Founded in London in 1930, Leslie Hartridge and his team of engineers began building test benches for the technology of the day.


In 1935, Hartridge ingeniously adapted a magneto test stand to produce one of the world’s first diesel fuel pump test stands. When war arrived in 1939, the company was moved from London to Buckingham to protect it from bombing, as it was considered critical to the nation’s collective effort.  


Over 80 years of innovation excellence and service have since followed, working with customers on projects in a wide variety of industrial sectors, including Marine, Rail, off-highway and military. Most recently, in 2024 the Hartridge team achieved a major breakthrough with the development of one of the first hydrogen fuel system test benches.

engineers assembling machines

Our Custom Diesel Solution Process 

From project kick-off to final delivery, our process for creating your custom diesel solution is thorough, collaborative and transparent. We work with you to engineer the most capable solution possible, whatever your application. 


technician working on injector test bench in factory

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