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World-leading Fuel Injection Testing Technology

Hartridge is a global leader in fuel injection test equipment, recognized for its performance, accuracy, and reliability. Our depth of technological understanding for correctly testing diesel fuel systems is unrivalled.

We collaborate closely with our OE partners to deliver test solutions for use in all environments, from OE production facilities to remanufacturing and repair workshops.


Fuel Injection Testing Applications for Every Technology

Hartridge’s Customer Projects Division offers industry leading expertise to meet the most diverse range of goals and requirements

About customer projects

Discover Hartridge

Since 1930, Hartridge has pioneered fuel testing technology. While we’re proud of our heritage, we’re constantly innovating to stay at the forefront of the field. Today, we offer test equipment for all leading diesel fuel systems worldwide.

Hartridge is uniquely positioned to serve both franchised and independent aftermarkets on a global scale. Additionally, many top engine and fuel system manufacturers rely on Hartridge test equipment for research and development.

vehicle and injector testing technician over blue background


Why Use Hartridge?

Hartridge is the premier independent OE authorised test bench manufacturer. We are uniquely positioned in the market by having a long pedigree of OE authorisations on our test benches. This translates into unrivalled technical capabilities. 

We are also the partner of choice to develop test and repair solutions in the defence sector, plant, rail and maritime industries. 

Find Your Local Hartridge Distributor

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Hartridge Ltd

The Hartridge Building Network 421

Radclive Road Buckingham MK18 4FD

United Kingdom


Tel +44 (0)1280 825600

Fax +44 (0)1280 825601


Office opening hours

Hartridge Ltd opening hours are as follows:

Monday – Thursday: 8am – 5pm

Friday: 8am – 1.30pm


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